Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Just a brief word of background and introduction so you know what exactly is behind this blog.

I'm Becky, I'm nineteen (going on nineteen-thirty) and currently a student of French and Italian at Oxford University.

I've been a fanatic cinephile since I saw The Usual Suspects at the age of thirteen and realised that films could be more than escapist pastimes. Since then, I have been a rapacious film addict, with my particular interest being the Golden Age of Hollywood, that is the films of the 30s and 40s and specifically comedies and film noir. In term time, I write for The Oxford Student, one of the university's two major student newspapers, as a reviewer and features writer for the film section. There is a link on the page to my profile on the OxStu website, which archives most of what I've had published.

I've been active on the messageboards for Empire, the film magazine, for several years and recently realised that as older posts begin to disappear, so do the reviews I have written. Therefore, I set up this blog to transfer my film reviews from the Empire boards here, as well as to write new material.

So, that's essentially it. Do leave a comment if you feel like it - a bit of interaction is always nice in these matters.

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